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Releasing a version


For docker tags on master and release branches (like cluster-test, cluster-preprod etc), we use <semver> versioning. Examples: 0.0.15, 1.0.3. Versions are bumped only when the new codebase has been tested, and images aren't overridden.

For avoiding docker tag conflicts in dev branches (like cluster-dev, cluster-dev2) we extend this format to <semver>-<MR-number>-<dev-version> where MR-number stands for gitlab MR number, and dev-version is just sequentially increasing number. Examples: 0.0.15-125-1, 1.0.3-142-11.

Release new changes of Racetrack to test or dev Cluster

Do the following in order to apply your changes to your cluster:

In racetrack repository:

  1. Increment version make version-bump MR=123, where 123 is the id of your merge request.
  2. Build & push docker images by running: make version-release-private.

In racetrack-config repository:

  1. Checkout to a branch related with your cluster.
  2. If new version involves changes in kustomize files, reset repository to corresponding branch.
  3. Run make version-pick VERSION=x.y.z with x.y.z being the version you just bumped.
  4. Commit & push to trigger redeployment in Kubernetes.

You don't need to specify MR id for futher dev releases, because make version-bump will bump the dev part if MR is set in file, otherwise it bumps just the semver part.

Releasing new Racetrack version

  1. Make sure has all additions and changes since latest release.
  2. Determine new version number x.y.z according to Semver and latest changes:
  3. In changelog rename section "Unreleased" to x.y.z and add date, then add a new empty "Unreleased" section.
  4. Create release branch ie. release-x.y.z:
    git checkout -b release-$VERSION
  5. Increment version:
    make version-bump-exact VERSION=$VERSION
  6. Commit and push all changes from previous points:
    git commit -am "Release version $VERSION"
  7. Merge release-x.y.z branch to master:
    git checkout master && git merge release-$VERSION && git push
  8. Tag the resulting commit and push tag:
    git tag $VERSION && git push origin $VERSION
  9. Release racetrack client (if needed) with
    (cd racetrack_client && make release-pypi)
  10. Build & push docker images by running:
    make version-release-private version-release-public